
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
    首席执行官 & Barry-Wehmiller的主席

It’s no exaggeration to say that the last couple of years have been extraordinary.

We are still in the midst of a global pandemic. 在美国.S., we have seen civil unrest and a highly charged political environment. When we look at the news, we seem to be constantly fed the brokenness of the world.  

Those are very big things in our collective lives, but they can also be shadows around us as we deal with the immediate, 外围十大菠菜app生活中非常私人的事情.

And because our day to day tends to be so hectic, it’s easy to feel frustrated and hopeless. Especially if we have a job where we feel no one cares, where we do not feel valued for who we are and fulfilled in the work we do. 有时, it’s easy to feel frustrated even when we do have a job doing work we love with people we care about.

正如我之前写过的, I regularly hold listening sessions with our people throughout Barry-Wehmiller’s various companies. 在大流行期间, 这些聆听环节变成了虚拟的 外围十大菠菜app一直是这样安排的. It’s a way for me to hear from a cross-section of our people from around the world in one sitting.

There have been many powerful moments in these listening sessions. We try to keep the number of teammates small to have a more comfortable, robust discussion. We always ask two questions: What are we doing well? 外围十大菠菜app能做得更好吗?

In my last listening session of 2021, I spoke with team members of our Accraply company – which manufactures labeling equipment -从他们在全球不同的地方.

One team member from Accraply’s Canadian location, Dianna布朗, spoke up during the section on what we are doing well.

Dianna started at the reception desk in 2001. 多年来, 她做了很多事情, including working with Accraply’s aftermarket sales, 采购, 应收账款. She is now primarily responsible for all the accounts payable functions, all the freight arrangements and customs paperwork for Accraply’s machine shipments and customs compliance for international shipments. 

“After being here 20 years, I’m feeling pretty jaded,” she said. “有时 things aren’t working and then I come in here to this listening session… I’m reminded of why we are here and what we are trying to accomplish and that what I say matters. And it’s given me a fresh perspective that maybe I’m not taking ownership of how things are going around me and maybe I need to step up.

“The fact that we are even having this listening session rejuvenates, 的, my enthusiasm for how we should be doing things, what I should be doing and how I can make things better.”

I appreciated Dianna being so honest during the session, 不仅仅是因为她的好话, 但也因为她的挫折. And she made a very good point that we all would do well to think about during this new year.

What can we do to shine our own light to make the world around us better?

当涉及到成为一个领导者, one of the most important things we can do is to give those within our span of care a grounded sense of hope for the future. We need to create organizations where people feel cared for.

But those efforts aren’t entirely limited to people in positions of leadership who have teammates within their direct span of care. In the down days, we often look to each other for that lift. If someone says a kind word to you when you are discouraged, 它可以让世界变得完全不同. 你也可以为别人做同样的事.

外围十大菠菜app的工作场所,外围十大菠菜app是一个团队. 外围十大菠菜app都是不完美的人. 外围十大菠菜app都可以做得更好.

Even in our families, our kids aren’t perfect every day. 外围十大菠菜app并非每天都是完美的父母. There’s no part of life that’s a straight line.

在电影《外围十大菠菜app》中,” Mary Steenburgen’s character tells her husband Steve Martin “Life is messy.“他说他不喜欢脏乱. Then the grandmother comes into the room and tells the story of going on a roller coaster. 她说:

上,下,上,下. 好好玩的一趟,我一直想再去一次. 你知道, it was just so interesting to me that a ride could make me so frightened, 所以害怕, 所以生病, 太激动了, 大家都很兴奋! 有些人不喜欢它. 他们坐旋转木马. 它只是绕来绕去. 没有什么. 我喜欢过山车. 你能从中得到更多.

Organizations are a lot like families and roller coasters. 会有起起伏伏. 也许外围十大菠菜app说了不该说的话. Maybe we could have said something encouraging to make the day of the person next to us.

Everyone plays an important role in a business or organization. We all play a part in creating an environment of care, in being there for each other.

Just like Dianna, we’re going to have our frustrations. But the question is, “How do we deal with them?”

外围十大菠菜app所有人的重要任务, the piece we can play in the puzzle no matter our role in the organization, 就是努力成为光明. To be the encouragement and the kind word that helps the person next to us.

你可能没有人向你汇报. You may not be one of the senior leaders in your organization, but your words and actions can make an incredible impact on the people around you. Those actions can make a huge difference, not only in your organization, but in the world.

外围十大菠菜app进入新的一年之际, 不管会带来什么考验, 不管前方有多么坎坷, 闪耀你的光芒. The shadows may always be there when the light is shining, but the darkness will never take over.


鲍勃·查普曼/ 2020年3月24日
鲍勃·查普曼/ 2020年11月3日
布伦特·斯图尔特/ 2021年6月21日
Podcast: Seamus Lafferty, President of Accraply

Need help in applying principles of Truly Human 领导 in your organization? 查普曼 & Co. 领导 Institute is Barry-Wehmiller's leadership consulting firm that partners with other companies to create strategic visions, 参与员工, improve corporate culture and develop outstanding leaders through leadership training, 评估及工作坊.

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